Open for Business

Insurance, finance are top fields in Iowa

Few people understand the business landscape in Iowa better than Rona Berinobis. As vice president of inclusion organization development at Wellmark, she has her finger on the pulse of the state’s vast talent pool, especially in the insurance industry.

“We have a strong pool of diverse, talented and smart professionals here in Iowa,” said Berinobis, who’s based in Des Moines. “And when we need to recruit people to move here, they take one look at Des Moines and they’re sold. It’s cosmopolitan, yet beautiful.”

No one needed to sell Berinobis on Iowa’s many merits. She grew up in the northeast part of the state, where her family relocated from Hawaii when she was just a toddler. On top of that, she’s spent the last 15 years of her 25-year career with Wellmark working in Des Moines.

“Iowa’s a great fit for me and my company,” she said. “Iowa is the Midwest hub for insurance. It’s a competitive, growing industry here with a wealth of home-grown talent.”

Berinobis said Iowa communities often earn high marks on lists that rank the best places to live. Such rankings help attract and retain people who end up building their lives and raising their families in the state. They also find there are no shortage of opportunities to get involved in the community. Iowa is a place you can truly make an impact, no matter your age. Berinobis, for example, lends her time to both the Greater Des Moines Partnership and the Iowa Asian Alliance.

“I jump at opportunities to roll up my sleeves and work with the community,” Berinobis said. “One of my favorite events to work on each year is the Iowa Asian Alliance’s annual Celebrasian. Our entire volunteer board works hard to make it a huge success.” Looking to pitch in and volunteer, too? There are many organizations throughout Iowa that could use your help.

Published May 16, 2019

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